Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I would leave you for a Burrito

The headline for the article containing this ad said "Plausible: Woman Leaves Man for $5.47 Bag of McDonald's"

At first I laughed, and thought- that's so silly, who'd leave their man for McDonalds. Lame!

And then I remembered when I returned from Germany (a land devoid of mexican food) after three months. Three long months of talking to people about how much I miss Burritos. Yes, the amazing spicy Mexican dish. And what did I tell my boyfriend, for three solid months how I wanted him to drive me straight to Chipotle.

After about a month of this, he started telling me I love burritos more than him. He told me he would drive by me at the airport, throw a burrito at my face, and then leave. He said this would be my reaction, and honestly, I can't disagree.

after being smacked in face by burrito:
1) why is matt driving by!?!
3) Gobble burrito. num num num num.
4) Wait. where's matt?

So, I can't say this ad isn't completely plausible. Because I would leave you for a burrito.

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